Sunday, July 22, 2007

Image Heavy, Minor Knitting Content

This has almost ceased to be a knitting blog. I did get some knitting on my Prisoner of Azkaban scarf at the Harry Potter Party. Friday night we went to our local Books-A-Million for the activities. They were very disorganized (lots of disappointment over the costume contest foul-ups), but we still had fun. I went with Hermione Grainger (on the left) and Luna Lovegood (center front), and we ran into a Gryffindor friend of ours when we got there (on the right):

Whenever there was an activity in the kids' department, my child ceased to participate (she couldn't resist the lure of the books):

There was wand making:

...but we had already made ourselves wands earlier in the day (from top to bottom, mine, Hermione's, Luna's):

We saw Fluffy:

...and Madame Pomfrey and Professors Umbridge and Trelawney:

My child left early - she was starting to wind down and couldn't seem to forget we were in a bookstore:

We had a good time, despite the jerks who had endings written on their t-shirts going through the store. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

In other news, I did get a job, teaching 2 Art Appreciation classes and one Art 1 class at a local high school. It's part time, so that will give me time to work on my Masters in Education.

I am excited to hear that is being worked on. One of the projects I plan to teach this year involves making ATCs, and I learned about them and made my first ones through Nervousness. I tried playing recently, and only had two participants sign up, and both were really late sending things. The current site is but a shadow of the former site. I hope it returns better than ever!

I have finished the body (up to the armpits) and two sleeves (up to the armpits) of my first Elizabeth Zimmerman Percentage System sweater. I am making a big, oversize one for Miss Priss that she can grow into. The yarn matches her eyes. I hope to join all the pieces today. I still haven't had time to work on the Mystery Stole.

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