Saturday, August 11, 2007

Well, It's Official

...I'm a teacher. After over a week of training and working on my room, I had students Thursday and Friday. I was a little nervous, but I had a great time both days. And I'll be more comfortable once I learn all the students' names.

I'm going to like this so much better than my year at the laboratory school, where I was thrown in to teaching K-6 with no curriculum, no mentor, no training, no anything.

Everyone at the school where I work is really nice. We had Monday to work on our rooms, and I had everyone from janitors to assistant principals coming by to introduce themselves and welcome me.

I am only part time, which is good because I'm working on my Masters. I have two classes of Art Awareness (that's art appreciation) and one Art I.

And all the new teachers got $100 at the local teacher supply store to get stuff for their rooms. I'm going today to get a stapler, tape, dry erase markers... all kinds of stuff.

Not much knitting done lately, but I am working on a pair of Magic Stripes Socks. The mystery shawl has fallen by the wayside. Maybe once I get my lesson plans ready I can work on it for a little while every day before I have kids.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and good luck in your first real teching job!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! I hope that the job is a great fit for you!

Jenn said...

Congradulations and good luck, I have a few more years before I finish my teaching but I cant wait!

knititch said...

lovely for you. i just started teaching again. i am sooooooooooooo curious about your name. my grandmother was asta and my mother elsebet. a lovely hybrid of their names.