First stop: Johnson City, TN
Yarntiques had everything upstairs 50% off. And I had a conversation with a large bird. Here is what I got there:

Three skeins of Charlevoix (America's Alpaca) 100% superfine alpaca in a tweedy blue/gray, and 5 skeins of Landcapes 70% baby alpaca / 30% silk - one in gray, one in a burgundy, and three in red. I also got:

Two skeins of Silky Wool - 65% wool / 35% silk. Just dying to be dyed! And all of these were 1/2 off!
Next stop:
Purls Yarn Emporium in Asheville, NC:

The two skeins of Regia I got on my first trip. One for me, one for my mom. But I was hoping to find something with earthier tones (no blue) for her fingerless gloves, and since I fell in love with the brown & blue, I decided to keep it, too. Maybe I will make the yoga socks out of it. Or yoga socks out of the bright stuff and fingerless gloves out of the blue & brown. Yep, that sounds good.
I went back a second time for the light up needles. I had to think about them before deciding to buy them. I had to decide what size (I got 6's) and whether or not I really wanted to pay $15.95 for them. I did. The saleslady was very honest about them - tips aren't the best, too bright for using in movie theatres, but they will let you knit in the dark.

They aren't bad once you get used to them, and the good news is that you only have to have one on to see what you're doing. It doesn't matter whether it's the one you're knitting off of or on to, either.
The Louet Kid Mohair I bought because I had just bought some 6/0 seed beads to try beaded knitting for the first time, and I wanted something to go with them.
Next stop:
Yarn Paradise, in Biltmore Village in Asheville.

Berroco cotton twist in a yummy purple / yellow-green that the photo doesn't do justice, Classic Elite Flash in a watermelony "Bee Balm" color, and my very first Noro - Sakura. Actually, it's my very first of all of these yarns because I am a budget knitter. I got to splurge because these were my vacation souvenirs!
But most importantly from Yarn Paradise - I finally got one of these:

I LOVE IT! It has lots of pockets inside, too:

...some of which I haven't even filled yet:

...not to mention the pockets on the front and the large pattern pocket on the back. I carry it more places than I do my purse!
We missed one yarn shop in Chattanoooga, but I was too tired to go anymore. We did find Great Balls of Yarn, though.

These were all half off, too. A ball of chunky wool/acrylic, a ball of Frog Tree 100% Merino wool, a ball of Artful Yarns candy, and a mystery ball in a ziploc labeled "Illusion." The last skein is what I decided on for my mom's fingerless gloves - she liked it. It is Artyarns Supermerino in an earthy green/brown.
And then a friend came over last night for a visit & brought me this:

(the yarn, not the child). I had actually been wanting to get some but had no need for it (yet). So now I have some! I had to let Lorelei in a picture because every time I emptied the stool of yarn to set up another photo, she would sit down and announce that it was her turn. She loves to be in front of a camera!