Well, the scribble lace scarf/shawl became a scribble lace kerchief. I was weaving in the last end as we pulled into the parking lot Saturday night. I stretched it widthways and tied it on my head to hold my hair back. It works well for that, and it's long enough for some to hang in my hair and drop down in front of my shoulders. Oh, well.
I have decided upon the Hide-It-In-Plain-Sight method of stash management. Now, I am a broke college student, but that doesn't mean I don't have a stash. It just means I have a slightly crappy stash. Mostly Lion Brand, some things I have bought at SCA events, and novelty yarns originally intended for Christmas present scarves. I do have a little basket with my Tuesday purchases, the yarn a friend brought me from Paris, and a couple other odds and ends. Plus whatever my mother-in-law finds for me at a yard sale - thanks, Mona! Anyhow, I have been putting my better yarns and yarns I might use soon and yarns I want to think about or look at in baskets strategically placed around my house - instant decoration! And most (well, over half) of my WIPs are in only two baskets!
WIPsIn the basket between the living room chairs:
1. Oisie's Cable and Rib socks (from either Spin-Off or Interweave Knits - overdue Christmas present #1)
2. Mona's half-knit scarf (overdue Christmas present #2)
3. a scarf out of lovely red-violet and blue-violet wool that I spun and was designing the pattern for (but I forgot what I was doing)
4. a thick sock for Lorelei out of ugly yellow and blue yarn that I spun (the color mixing didn't go well)
5. my red scarf from my first post
6. the Celtic pattern hat
7. Terri's hat
8. Socks by my own pattern but I think I'm sick of the twisted ribbing and may frog it
9. Magic Stripes socks
10. A scarf out of Moda Dea Chichi - very soft
In the basket by the door:
11. Lorelei's sweater that I've been working on for a year and a half (I had the foresight to begin a size 4 when she was only one)
12. an ugly blue garter stitch scarf out of some Bernat boucle
13. the tie-one-on from Knitty
14. cotton washcloths for my great-aunt, who is having a birthday party Saturday
I know I have several other WIP's, but I don't know where they are right now and I'm not going to hunt them.
Now, I'm off to dye some yarn! I have two skeins of wool that I mordanted a couple of years ago to do some natural dyeing, but never got around to it. I am out of natural dyes, so...Rit or Kool-Aid? Hmm...